Sunday 8 May 2011

The year 2011!!

Thn ni kelas kita org x sama dah...
Ad yg ddk klas dkt & ad plak yg ddk klas jauh...
Bkn stakat klas je yg lain malah guru dan rakan2 pun berlainan dan baru...
Still, kte org msh berjumpa & bgurau sprti biasa kcuali 'H' punya gurauan semakin ganas je...
Ada satu hari tu, 'H' nak pluk 'A'... 'H' dr blkg senyap2 terjah 'A', lepas tu apa agi, terkejut lh 'A' smpai terjatuh 'A', nsb baik lh x berdarah nnti ad plak sklh dpt cat merah free...

Well, like everyone say, true friends will never break up even if they are far apart but they will always close by the heart...  Friendship sure is beautiful, I hope the reader also have a true friend that they can trust in...

Well that's all from me, I hope good things will always happen between us and the bad things will always make us stronger and believe with each other even more...

SwEEtlY bY,

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